The Human Voice

Imagine living alone and going a week or even longer without talking to another human being. Oh, there’s TV, maybe texting, and probably recorded tele-marketing messages, but those aren’t the actual voice of a person you can interact with. This happens often to the ill and aging, especially those who have been widowed and whose kids have moved away. These people are vulnerable to depression and extreme loneliness. You can probably think of someone who might be in this situation, even if they put up a cheerful front. Take five minutes to call them. Ask if you can stop by for a visit. Or just talk awhile. Say you were thinking of them…that you saw something that reminded you of them…that you just want to catch up on what’s happening with them.  And share your own news. It takes such a small effort on your part but can chase away the loneliness  in someone’s life. The touch of a human voice can be a precious gift.

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