Archive for August 4, 2018

Are You Label-Literate?

Know your “green” language on packaging.  “Natural” really means nothing.  “Made with organic ingredients”means that 70% of the ingredients are organic, and with “Organic,”95% are. Only “100% organic” means what it says.

[For more easy, money-saving, Earth-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to or your favorite e-book seller and download to your computer or e-book device. Totally free, with no strings attached.]

The Bacteria are Winning

What good is that hand sanitizer we trust to keep germs away? Not as good as it used to be. It’s alcohol-based, and bacteria are adapting to alcohol. When sanitizers were put into use in hospitals, some infections decreased, but others (especially ones affecting the bladder, heart, and digestive tract–the enterococcal infections) actually increased.

Right now, increasing the amount of alcohol from the usual 60% in hand sanitizers to 70% helps, but bacteria are adjusting to the higher concentration, as well.  Read more about this at Some Bacteria Are Becoming ‘More Tolerant’ Of Hand Sanitizers, Study Finds.

And there are questions about how healthy such sanitizers are for humans.

The solution: Public health experts direct hospitals and us back to basics, which means frequent, adequate (20-30 seconds) washing of hands with plain soap that doesn’t contain anti-bacterial additives. Ignore the issue of hot vs. cold water, because they work the same, since your hands can’t stand water hot enough to kill bacteria.

Keep healthy, Friends!


The Purpose of our Work

What’s our real job today? This Thursday Thought quote puts us, our activities, and our attitudes into perspective.

“Our work is to sow.  Another generation will be reaping the harvest.”  — Aims and Purposes

Our Founding Fathers Used Cannabis

Don’t be shocked by this little-known fact from American history: Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston comprised the committee appointed by the Continental Congress to write our Declaration of Independence.  They immediately sat down over a pile of cannabis. Well, actually, it was in the form of paper, since most paper of the time was made from cannabis hemp fiber. They finished the first draft of the Declaration on June 28, 1776, then the second on July 2, 1776. Because the final document was to be official, though, they printed it on parchment.

History does not report if they burned the two drafts–or if they inhaled…..