You’ve Come a Long Way, Lady….

[Although this was sent out, at least in part, as a self-promotion for a group called “Credo” (I’ve left off the parts that do that), it offer some interesting end encouraging facts about progress women are making…some things to celebrate on this International Women’s Day, and some things to continue working toward.]

Recognizing Progress, Working for True Equality

Women are getting an education. Worldwide, girls now enroll in primary school at almost the same rate as boys. And national constitutions adopted since 1995 are more likely to ensure equality in education for girls than those adopted before—86% vs. 50%. However, educational opportunities for girls lag far behind in parts of the world, and women make up two-thirds of the world’s illiterate.

Women are a boost for business. Women are receiving recognition for their contributions to the places they work. Research shows companies with three or more women in senior management do better in all facets of organizational effectiveness.  Yes, the pay gap continues.

Women are a critical force for peace. Research shows that when women are involved in the peacemaking process, the chance of lasting peace dramatically increases. However, they are often left out of the process.

Women are safer in pregnancy. Maternal mortality has dropped by at least 40% in 76 countries, thanks to better access to prenatal care, fewer unsafe abortions and better family planning. Yet many women around the world still lack reproductive healthcare.

Women are leaders. Almost twice as many women hold political office today than did 20 years ago, but the total numbers are still far too low.

[You’ve come a long way, Lady, but still have far to go.]



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