Save the World with a Clean Refrigerator

I thought Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day (today) was funny, until I opened my fridge.  What I saw reminded me that 1/3–½ of the food produced in the world goes to waste while starvation and food insecurity are widespread. We use a huge amount of water and polluting energy to make food that just ends up in the landfill. So I’ve turned over a new lettuce leaf.  I’ll buy only what I need, buy locally grown produce whenever possible, and try growing some myself.  I’ll be creative with leftovers and aging foods, eating them before they’re wasted (my freezer helps here).  Maybe I’ll organize a potluck with friends so we can share.   If I have too much fresh produce or non-perishable items, I’ll donate them to the local food bank.  I know I’m not perfect and will have to dispose of some spoiled food.  But it won’t be much, and I’ll compost it rather than tossing it into the garbage can or wasting water by using the disposal. The money I’ll save will go to organizations fighting hunger.  It seems like the least I can do.

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