Feed Your Rescued Guinea Pig Frozen Broccoli but not Coffee

There’s a month for almost everything.  To prove it, I looked around and found the following intriguing March celebrations.  I’ve given you links to find out more about many of them.

Adopt a Recued Guinea Pig Month (http://www.examiner.com/article/adopt-a-rescued-guinea-pig-month)

Bell Peppers and Broccoli Month (http://www.examiner.com/article/did-you-know-it-s-broccoli-and-bell-pepper-month)

National Caffeine Awareness Month http://mcg.metrocreativeconnection.com/publish/sections/calendar-details.php?National-Caffeine-Awareness-Month-110)

National Craft Month (http://tiffanylanehandmade.wordpress.com/2014/02/25/march-national-craft-month-2014)

National Frozen Food Month (http://www.nfraweb.org/promotions/promotion.aspx?PromotionId=58)

National Week of The Ocean Festival Sea-son (http://www.national-week-of-the-ocean.org)

March is also Humorists Are Artists Month, International Expect Success Month, International Ideas Month, International Listening Awareness Month, International Mirth Month, National Cheerleading Safety Month, National Clean Up Your IRS Act Month, National On-Hold Month, National Peanut Month, Optimism Month, Play The Recorder Month, Sing With Your Child Month,  and—of course!– Irish-American Heritage Month.

Now, don’t try to tell me that you’re bored because there’s nothing to do this month!



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