Archive for February 13, 2013

Immigration Oddities

Immigration is a hot topic right now.  People are determined to stop all those service-sapping Illegals from violating our Southern borders.  May I offer two observations?

1) Most of the immigrants in Santa Clara County have college degrees.  Most immigrants find jobs and pay taxes.  Why can’t we offer services that help the rest of them become self-sufficient, taxpaying workers?  Isn’t that a win-win situation?

2) If we’re closing our Southern borders, why aren’t we doing the same in the North?  Is it more okay for all those immigrants to come in illegally from Canada (or overstay student and work visas)?  Are European Illegals desirable when Hispanics are not?

………I was just wondering…….



Guns Are No Problem

People who say that the easy availability of guns is not a problem obviously don’t watch the daily news.  Just this morning, there were reports of six people being shot.  There are news stories almost every day about at least one or two shootings, often with child-victims and people sitting within their own homes.  At what point does it become a problem?

Earth-Friendly Tip: Bulk Up Your Shopping

Shop smart.  Buy beans, rice, pasta, cereal, and whatever else you can in bulk.  Repackage it in smaller, reusable containers that can be stored on a shelf or in your freezer.  Think it isn’t worth the trouble?  The reduction in packaging translates to a savings to you of about 9 cents on each dollar you spend on food.

[For more easy, Eco-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to view/7000, choose a format, and download to your computer or e-book device. Or download a free copy from your favorite e-tailer.]

Thoughtful Thursday: Going to the Dogs

Here’s why I’m a dog-lover:




A Sobering Look at a Glacier

Glacier calving:   This impressive real video shows the power of nature and puts into perspective what is happening to our magnificent glaciers.  It’s worth 4 1/2 minutes of your time to watch.

How USPS Can Save Money

Stamp prices went up again, and I’m not convinced the hike was needed. It looks to me like the USPS hasn’t taken simple measures to economize.  For example, we keep getting two copies of the USA Philatelic, probably because we’ve ordered stamps-by-mail under two different names.  You’d think the USPS would have a computer program set up so only a single copy went to each household (money-saving tip #1).  Or an effective way for us to stop delivery of it (Tip #2).  Also, that magazine is printed on high quality, glossy paper, with plenty of colored pictures…an expensive proposition.  It CAN be produced cheaper (Tip #3).  Then there are the stamps-by-mail.  They’re good for people who find it a physical hardship to go to a post office, they cut down on labor, and they save on fuel.  However, when we order, say 50 Forever stamps, we get them in 5 packets that are backed by a piece of cardboard and sealed in cellophane.  In the old days, when they came loose in an envelope, they weren’t damaged.  I’d be happy not to have to deal with the extra packaging and add it to the recycle bin.  Go back to the old days (Tip #4).  And the envelope they arrive in is heavy-duty and fiber-reinforced–another cost-saving area (Tip #5).

All these are small savings that add up as they’re multiplied by the number of households in the U.S.  My question for the USPS is this: if you’re not bothering to economize on the small stuff, what else are you ignoring?  The cost of stamps and the USPS’s wasteful ways are driving me away from them and more toward electronics.  I wonder if the USPS actually WANTS to stay in business.

2012 Funniest Commercials

“Hit, smash…buy!”  I ran across a program like the funniest Super Bowl ads, called “Funniest Commercials of the Year,” as voted on by the public.  I thought I’d take a peek.  There were 40 ads. 19 involved destruction, crashing, hurting or being hurt, and other violent behavior.  Three more showed mean tricks being played on people.  Two others depicted people going overboard–going nuts, basically.  (We won’t count the bathroom humor of two of them.) That’s more than half.  Obviously, most people–or at least those who vote on these things–think that violence is not only acceptable but funny.  They laugh at it around their kids, thus passing the attitude onto the next generation.

Odd thing is, I bet these are the same people who are appalled by murders, riots, muggings, and such, and they may even lecture their kids about fighting and bullying, wondering where on Earth they would have learned such actions.

Okay.  Enough on this subject.  I’ll climb off my soapbox.



Earth-Friendly Tip: Organic Olive Oil

Use organic olive oil.  Everyone knows it’s healthier, with its good fatty acids and no pesticides.  Now a Greek study has shown that organic olive groves emit less CO2 while being as profitable for the farmers as typical olive groves.

[For more easy, Eco-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to view/7000, choose a format, and download to your computer or e-book device. Or download a free copy from your favorite e-tailer.]


Super Bowl Ads

If I don’t watch The Game I miss the ads.  Actually, I tune into the yearly show “Super Bowl’s Greatest Commercials,” aired a week before the game, to see what I missed.  The ads are funny, sexy, thought-provoking, timely, expensive, and disturbingly violent.

It’s the attitude that “violence sells” that bothers me.  So many ads feature people getting hurt or hurting someone else on purpose–designed to make us laugh.  I don’t happen to think that’s funny.

This year’s Greatest Top 10 Ads of All Time were encouraging, though.  Yes, there were the Three Stooges type humor in some.  However, here were the top four: #4 Bridgestone tires (saving a whale), #3 Victoria’s Secret (suggestive but not overboard–for them), #2 Coke (Mean Joe Green–kid teaching adult a lesson in humility and generosity), and #1 Budweiser (horse/dog friendship and cooperation leads to success).

I have no idea what Sunday will bring between bouts of grown men fighting over a bit of pigskin.  As for me, I’ll spend the day looking for Bridgestone tire sales, slyly placing the Victoria’ Secret weekly ad near my husband’s chair, drinking a bunch of Cokes, then topping it off with a Bud or two.  The game?  Oh, yeah, that.  Maybe I’ll catch the half-time show.

Football 3