Tag Archive for Supreme

Supreme Court Decisions You Didn’t Hear About

The Supreme Court made some interesting decisions recently, but we didn’t hear about them because they were overshadowed by the “biggies.”  Here are some you may be interested in:

1. The circle of life does not apply to seeds owned by Monsanto.

2. No need to be mentally competent during federal appeals.

3. Sharing a joint won’t get you deported.

4. Proving employer retaliation just got harder.

5. Employers just got a break on sexual harassment and other bias claims.

For a brief summary of what each of these was about and what decision the Court made, go to www.care2.com/causes/5-important-scotus-rulings-you-didnt-hear-about.html.



Gay Marriage: Leviticus Loses

An upset to the Christian world.  That’s what the Supreme Court delivered today with its decisions on DOMA and Prop. 8.  Lucky for the Supremes, they just had to decide on Constitutionality.  The religious debate is a quagmire, sucking some into Hell, others into righteousness, and divorce lawyers into more money as homosexual couples embrace divorce.

The problem comes between the Old Testament and the New.  Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13. clearly and vehemently state that homosexuality (therefore gay marriage) is BAD, BAD, BAD.  In the New Testament, Paul is obviously no fan of it, either.  But Jesus–the New Law–had His chance and blew it.  He kept preaching love for one another (no, not in that way)–His main message was love.  When cornered, yes, he referred to Adam and Eve, when answering a question about divorce in Matt. 19.  And He touched on adultery, fornication, and sexual immorality (without details).  I know that He admitted that He didn’t have time to teach people everything they needed to know (enter the Holy Spirit for that job).  I just wish He had been clearer and more definite about homosexuality/gay marriage so that we didn’t have to depend on our own interpretations of passages to prove whatever side we’re on.