Tag Archive for study

Why MEN Should Have a Baby Every Two Years

Did you hear about the European study showing that pregnancy altars a woman’s mind for at least two years?  No, not making her crazy, as you might expect.

“The results showed a clear distinction between the first-time mothers and all the other participants – including the new fathers – with a reduction in the mothers’ grey matter volume in the medial frontal and posterior cortex, in addition to the prefrontal and temporal cortex.

“As the researchers explain, these regions of the brain are all involved with social processes such as feelings of empathy and the ability to understand others – what is sometimes referred to as the ‘theory of mind‘.”  (Science Alert article)

The “theory of mind” is a philosophical and psychological term relating to a person’s being able to understand other people’s emotions and mental state, recognizing that each individual is unique in their outlooks, perspectives, and motives.  It’s how we recognize others as human beings and learn to get along with them.

Follow my logic here:  It’s mostly men who run the world as heads of state and military organizations.  If they experienced pregnancy every two years, could world peace be within our grasp?


Students and “Real” vs “Fake” News

One of the reasons I coached and taught high school speech and debate was my firm belief that everyone needs to have rational-thinking skills.  (Okay.  So I also loved interacting with kids who were smart and/or liked a challenge.)

I’m dismayed to see the Stanford study that shows that students, for the most part, are NOT ABLE to distinguish between news that is real and news that is fake.

So many false “facts” bombard us, most notably from the recent political campaigns but also via Facebook, Twitter, and other social media.  Then it’s spread by well-meaning people on their own social media sites, through their emails, or by word of mouth–BEFORE reason has been applied or the “facts” checked for their accuracy or slant, which gives those “facts” a life of their own because more and more unthinking people accept them and pass them on.

The place to start is with those students.  Teachers, parents, and friends should challenge them to THINK, to VERIFY, to APPLY REASON in everything they hear or read–to develop logical thinking skills.

Those skills have always been important; they’re needed even more today if our country and our human decency is to survive.



Good News for Senior Citizens

Sometime studies have happy results.  The New England Journal of Medicine reports results from a Framingham Heart Study that spans 40+ years with 5200 people over age 60.  Dementia, which was expected to rise, is actually declining in the U.S.–a 24% decrease over the past ten years in 64 or older people. They note that heart-disease related dementia has shown the largest decline.  That is leading them to the hypothesis that maybe better diagnosis and treatment of heart disease and stroke may be the reason for these promising results.  They aren’t sure.

Anyway, it’s excellent news for our older citizens–and for us who love them.

Read more HERE.

Your Music = Your Personality

I ran across an interesting study indicating that the music you listen to reflects your personality. Adrian North, a UK professor, carried out his research with 360,000 people in 60+ countries and looked at a large variety of music styles. Here are his conclusions:

Blues fans have high self-esteem, are creative, outgoing, gentle and at ease
Jazz fans have high self-esteem, are creative, outgoing and at ease
Classical music fans have high self-esteem, are creative, introvert and at ease
Rap fans have high self-esteem and are outgoing
Opera fans have high self-esteem, are creative and gentle
Country and western fans are hardworking and outgoing
Reggae fans have high self-esteem, are creative, not hardworking, outgoing, gentle and at ease
Dance fans are creative and outgoing but not gentle
Indie fans have low self-esteem, are creative, not hard working, and not gentle
Bollywood fans are creative and outgoing
Rock/heavy metal fans have low self-esteem, are creative, not hard-working, not outgoing, gentle, and at ease
Chart pop fans have high self-esteem, are hardworking, outgoing and gentle, but are not creative and not at ease
Soul fans have high self-esteem, are creative, outgoing, gentle, and at ease


I just thought this was an interesting tidbit to pass on to you. For more details, read Preferred Music Style Is Tied to Personality. Before clicking on that link, though, be sure to put on those headphones and rev up your tunes.



The Transgendered-Bathroom Issue

Today I read that 650,000 people have signed a pledge to boycott Target because of their policy to allow anyone to use whichever bathroom corresponding to the sex they identify with.  Their reason they give for the boycott is to protect children from child molesters.

That made me re-think my understanding that transsexuals are not normally pedophiles.  I did a little research.  Here’s what I found.

Univ. of Michigan’s Prevention and Awareness Center:  “There are no statistics that support the idea that…transgendered individuals are more  likely to commit sexual assault or be sex offenders than heterosexuals. In fact, sex offenders are disproportionately  likely to be heterosexual men.”

Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault: “Another common myth about LGBT people is that they are child molesters. This is also untrue; in fact a groundbreaking study of sexual-abuse offenders concluded that a heterosexual adult is more likely to be a threat to children than a homosexual adult is.”

Advocates for Youth: “Most perpetrators of child sexual abuse are relatives or close acquaintances of the youth they target. ‘Stranger Danger’ — the notion that youth are at highest risk of sexual abuse from strangers — is a widely-accepted myth that continues to drive public policy around this issue.”

(Note: I tried to cite neutral sources who have a reputation for being non-biased and statistically accurate in their studies. I found many others, who had agendas to promote, which I don’t cite here.)

What I’m trying to say is, each of us has the right to follow our moral or religious codes, some of which say that a transsexual is “unnatural” or “sinful,” or whatever. If that case, we should own those beliefs and fight our battle on those grounds rather than on false assertions that we’re simply trying to protect our children.

On a side note, as a person with a disability, I’ve used unisex/handicap bathrooms, all my life and am quite comfortable with them.



Do You Face Discrimination at Work?

So, you think you’re being discriminated against at work because of your religion–or lack of religion.  Guess what. You may be right.  Doesn’t matter if you’re Muslim, Christian, atheist, or whatever.  This is according to a 2013 national survey released by the Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding, which says that a third of American workers either feel religious discrimination or observe it at work.

In America, a nation built on religious freedom!

Read about this trend at “Study: Workplace Religious Discrimination on the Rise.”

Then, go to work and do something about it.



It’s True–It IS the Best Medicine

Laughter Really Is Good Medicine.

Scientists at Oxford did six studies—five in the lab and one in the field—to see if that old saw “laughter is the best medicine” has any truth to it.  They studied what they call “social laughter,” which happens when we’re relaxed and in a group, which allows it to be contagious, and laughter when a person is simply watching a funny video.

Their results show that laughter releases those feel-good endorphins and help control pain and stress and maintain healthy cholesterol levels.  In addition, 40 calories can be burned just by laughing for 10-15 minutes a day.

You can read more about this by going to a New York Times article, “Scientists Hint at Why Laughter Feels So Good.”  http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/14/science/14laughter.html?_r=0

Or Huffington Post’s “New Study Proves that Laughter Really Is the Best Medicine.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/04/22/laughter-and-memory_n_5192086.html

So, are you feeling stressed out today, especially over your cholesterol levels or having some nagging pain?  Have a good laugh.

Are You as Aware as a Goldfish?

Did you catch the study released last week showing that the average human’s attention span is shorter than that of a goldfish? That’s right.  You can hold the attention of a goldfish for nine seconds and a person’s for only eight.  That’s down from 2000, when it was about twelve seconds.  Researchers blame it on the smart-phones we’re glued to.

On the other hand, Microsoft did a study–and we know that they are totally unbiased–showing that those same electronic devices are improving our ability to multitask.

Excuse me.  I must go now and feed the most aware being in my household, our goldfish.

Breakthrough on Alzheimer’s Disease

Wonderful news!  A study by Duke University may have found a new cause of Alzheimer’s Disease: problems with the immune system.  The study suggests that cells in the immune system gobble up an important nutrient, arginine, while trying to protect the brain.  Researchers were able to block this process in mice.

Read more about this study and note at the bottom this statement: This research was supported by the National Institutes of Health (AG031124, AG031845, T32-GM007171), the Alzheimer’s Association (IIRG-07-59802), and the Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation.  In other words, a whole bunch of experts in the field believe that Duke researchers are onto something.  To any of us who have a friend or loved one with Alzheimer’s Disease, this means new hope.


We Spent How Much on that Study?!

The results reported in the Psychological Review showing that anger and stress in Tweets correlate with heart disease and death made me, once again, yell “No fecal matter!”  I’m frequently flabbergasted by expensive studies that show what common sense already tells us.  I don’t know how much any of these studies cost, but here are 13 that have my “fecal matter” meter registering high:

  • The Western diet is bad for you
  • Sleeping beauty is no myth
  • Racists are close-minded
  • Morbid alert! Hanging is bad for the heart
  • Cheating men have strong sexual urges
  • Shy teens find friends online
  • Take smaller bites, eat less
  • Umbrellas protect you from the sun
  • People buy more fruits and veggies when they’re cheaper
  • Bad relationships depress people
  • Reality TV skews reality
  • Drugs and driving don’t mix
  • Women find musicians hot

Yes, these were all actual studies.  You can read about them at LiveScience.com.

I want to do a study on the effect of gravity on scientists being dropped out of a tenth-story university lab.  Let me know if you’re willing to contribute to this vital project.