Tag Archive for speech

Are You a Criminal when you Protest?

Ever notice how many protesters have their faces covered?  This is true all over the world, including here in the U.S.  Yet we have freedom of speech.  If I’m expressing beliefs and opinions I truly believe in, why don’t I want people to see my face?  If I’m hiding my identity because I’m doing something illegal, like smashing the store windows of people not involved in what I’m protesting against, and if I think that’s the right and moral thing to do, I should stand up to be counted–and let everyone see your face.

I understand the cover-up in countries where the regime will arrest and execute me just for speaking out, but not here in America. Come on, protesters, let’s see your proud, righteous faces as you sling that brick.

“A Child Shall Lead Them”

I’m posting this at exactly 10:00 my local time in solidarity with all those participating in the National Student Walkout.  Whether or not we’re for greater gun control, we have to respect what these kids are doing. They’re leaving school–most for a short period of time–to gather for one minute of silence honoring and remembering each of the 17 students gunned down a month ago today at Florida’s Stillman Douglas School.  They aren’t rioting, fighting, or destroying property, just being peaceful, serious, and respectful as they exercise their right to free speech.  What a lesson for adult protesters!

They’re participating in democracy, trying to make changes they believe important.  They’re not asking that people give up  their guns or making  vague demands.  They clearly are asking for three things: 1) ban assault weapons, 2) universal background checks, and 3) laws to disarm those who show signs of violence. This  clarity is another lesson adult protesters can learn from.

And they’re reminding Congress members that many of them will vote in the upcoming elections, and future voters among them will remember what Congress does–or doesn’t do.

I’m proud of our youth for doing this, and for those who disagree who, rather than interfere, simply don’t participate.  And for schools who allow this teaching moment, a teaching moment for youth and adults alike.




Pope Francis “Rules”

Who better to provide today’s Thursday Thought than Pope Francis in his 9/24/15 (this morning) address to the U.S. combined Congress? It’s an extension of the Golden Rule, which appears in some form in the holy books of all major world religions.

“[If] we want security, let us give security; if we want life, let us give life; if we want opportunities, let us provide opportunities. The yardstick we use for others will be the yardstick which time will use for us.”