Tag Archive for sludge

Don’t Toss those Crayons!

OK.  So you have a box of broken, stubby crayons.  Some magically were transported by little hands from restaurants to corners of bedrooms.  They’re cluttering up your home.  It’s tempting to add to the 500,000 pounds of crayons ending up in the landfill each year.  Before you do that, though, know these two things:

First, those  crayons will melt down to a slimy sludge but never break down in the landfill.  Their wax is not biodegradable.

Second, there’s an organization that takes unwanted crayons and makes new ones, which they give to hospitals for use with children in arts programs.

Learn more about The Crayon Initiative and what they do.  Then recycle those crayons–it’s a win for you, for sick children, and for the Earth.