Tag Archive for politician

Tuesday Trivia

Let’s lighten up a bit today.  Here’s a bit of trivia that you can work into, well, almost no conversation.  It might be useful in a bar…or not.  I found it interesting, though.  Here you are:

Politicians have been with us since the beginning of time, but not phones, TVs, radios, social media, or ways to take polls.  However, they needed to know which way the public wind was blowing so they could form and adjust their campaigns (and policies?  Naw…they wouldn’t do that!).  Their answer was to send supporters to the local bars, taverns, and pubs, telling them to “go sip some ale and find out what people are thinking.”  These supporters were sent out to different locations at different times.  They were instructed to “go sip here” and “go sip there.”  Eventually, the first two words became combined when discussing local opinion.  And now we have the word “gossip.”

Life Without Muslims

Let’s collect all the Muslims and ship them out of our country.  They don’t add much to our culture, anyway.  That’s what some people would have us think.  Actually, what would our daily lives be like if Muslims didn’t exist?  Before you bathe, have your wake-up cup of coffee, go on a trip, take a video of your grandchild, or a number of other things, watch this video to find out.





Hurrah for Denmark!

This one’s for people who know that wind is not a practical source of power.

Just look at Denmark.  They overdid it with their wind farms, and now they have more power than they need.  Last week their wind farms produced 116% of the power their country needed.  At one point, when there was a drop in energy demand, that figure went up to 140%.

Being neighborly, they shared their excess power with Germany, Norway, and Sweden.

Not a bad showing.  And they don’t have nearly as many blow-hard politicians as we have.



Checklist for Today

⊂⊃ VOTE!  Or you lose the right to complain about politicians and laws until the next election. 



American Trivia: Getting Around a Tax

To begin this otherwise serious political week, here’s a bit of American historical trivia you might enjoy.  See if you are playing with a full deck.

Card games have always been an American pastime.  ‘Way back, some politicians decided that cards should be taxed—but only (politician logic here) the ace of spades. Of course, people can always find a way around paying taxes, as they did in this situation: they bought decks with only 51 cards (no ace of spades).  Trouble is, how many games can be played with only 51?  Not many.  True card-players thought this was absurd, that the people pulling this tax ploy were stupid or dumb—because they weren’t “playing with a full deck.”

Like the politicians who dreamed up that tax in the first place….????

Verse From Politicians’ Bible

Here’s a version of a passage/passages from the Bible, translated from a politician’s point of view:

“There’s more joy when we get one to switch over to us than there is for the ninety-nine we’ve already got in our pocket.”  (Richard Stark, in his book BACKLASH)

OK, Bible scholars…what passage(s) is this a very rough translation of?