Tag Archive for pain

Inflicting Pain on Family Pets and Other Animals on Purpose

They’re just dumb animals…maybe.  But should they suffer needlessly?  Some researchers have abandoned what they deem cruel product-testing on animals, saying its results are questionable (human and animal allergic reactions differ) and can be obtained in other ways (e.g., artificial skin in a test tube). The USDA tries to ensure proper food and shelter for these animals but can do nothing about the infliction of pain or relieving it.  Laws are being passed to stop the sale of family pets (ever wonder where they go when they’re stolen?) for clinical trials and to prohibit animal testing when other methods are available.  Meanwhile, companies use animals, for example, to see what eye and skin damage a product can cause. Go to www.navs.org,  to learn more.

Look for a “Cruelty Free” label on packaging. If you don’t see it, show your disapproval by boycotting products from that company  and let them you’re doing so and why. Tell offending companies that we won’t tolerate needless violence against animals.

Go to www.navs.org,  to learn more.

Cancel 2020 or Not

When I started reading this Thursday Thought offering, I thought the idea was crazy. The more I read, the more I grew in understanding, hope, and determination. No, it’s not at all a crazy idea.

Painful Wishes

It’s so hard when someone deliberately attacks us. A red-hot knife goes through us. We want them to hurt as much as we do….Maybe they do. Today’s Thursday Thought gives us something to consider.

For People with Foot Pain

Are you over age 70? If so, are you among the half whose feet hurt? Or over 24 and among the 24% in that age group with foot pain? Yes, you can go to the doctor (a good idea). But it helps to know the causes and ways to prevent, lessen, or get rid of it. The AARP article How You Can Fix Those Aching Feet offers some good insight to this.

How to Recognize a Robocall

The AARP has put out a short informative article, titled How to Recognize a Robocall, that is worth paying attention to. It discusses four major fraudulent calls most of us are repeatedly getting, especially older adults, whom the scammers deem easy targets. Those calls relate to health insurance, missed jury duty, Social Security being cut off, and a request the person supposedly made to alleviate their pain. Read this article, be aware, and make sure your older loved ones are vigilant when answering the phone.

Tax Day: The Pain…for What?!

Will you be driving to the post office just before midnight tonight? Facing a long line of traffic at the drop-off box? And everyone grumbling and complaining? In honor of TAX DAY, this week I move my Thursday Thought quote to Monday, April 15. It’s a gentle reminder of what we’re paying for.

“I like to pay taxes.  With them I buy civilization.”  —  Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

“Miracle Cure” Kratom

Health warning: The increasingly popular herbal “cure” for depression, pain, anxiety and opioid withdrawal not only isn’t a cure but can be dangerous.

According to the FDA, there have been 30+ deaths related to it, and there’s no evidence that it helps with any of those conditions.  In fact, it can damage your liver and cause seizures.

So many of us believe in the power of nature–the herbal cures used successfully by  our ancestors and other cultures. This is not one of them.

Please, dear readers, keep your loved  ones and yourselves away from Kratom.


It’s True–It IS the Best Medicine

Laughter Really Is Good Medicine.

Scientists at Oxford did six studies—five in the lab and one in the field—to see if that old saw “laughter is the best medicine” has any truth to it.  They studied what they call “social laughter,” which happens when we’re relaxed and in a group, which allows it to be contagious, and laughter when a person is simply watching a funny video.

Their results show that laughter releases those feel-good endorphins and help control pain and stress and maintain healthy cholesterol levels.  In addition, 40 calories can be burned just by laughing for 10-15 minutes a day.

You can read more about this by going to a New York Times article, “Scientists Hint at Why Laughter Feels So Good.”  http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/14/science/14laughter.html?_r=0

Or Huffington Post’s “New Study Proves that Laughter Really Is the Best Medicine.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/04/22/laughter-and-memory_n_5192086.html

So, are you feeling stressed out today, especially over your cholesterol levels or having some nagging pain?  Have a good laugh.