Tag Archive for mental health

Guns: Where we stand in the World

The CDC has compiled all its 2017 statistics and revealed a startling fact: almost 40,000 people died last year from guns in the U.S. That’s the highest number in 40 years. (1999 saw 30,000 such deaths.)  It’s also the third year in a row of increase, after years of stable numbers.

Worldwide, our country makes  up 14.2% of gun deaths, surpassed only by Brazil, with 17.2% of the world’s gun-related deaths. Note that we aren’t talking war here–except individually against other individuals and ourselves. A good number of U.S. gun deaths (60%) are suicides, and we see daily news reports about someone shooting people in schools, venues, and places of worship.

You can read more specifics in the Huffington Post article U.S. Gun Violence Claimed More Lives In 2017 Than Ever: CDC.

I don’t care if you’re pro-gun, anti-gun, or something in between. It’s obvious that gun violence is an epidemic in America, one that needs a cure. Studies have shown that it isn’t because we have more people with mental health problems here–countries with similar numbers of those people don’t have the gun violence we have.

So what is the cause? We don’t know but must get serious about finding out. And what is the cure? Again, we don’t know but MUST get serious about finding out.

Spare the Rod/Spoil the Child–or Save Them?

Not according to the latest American Academy of Pediatrics policy-change. The Academy now urges parents NOT to spank, hit, slap, threaten, verbally abuse, shame, or humiliate their kids when they misbehave. New evidence shows that such actions lead to aggression and depression in kids and shrinks the grey matter in their brains.

Corporal punishment, says the Academy, can cause injury to under-18-month-olds, make preschoolers behave more aggressively, increase the chances of kids’ being defiant as they get older, and lead to mental health and cognitive disorders. Moreover, “spanking alone is associated with adverse outcomes, and these outcomes are similar to those in children who experience physical abuse.”

They suggest using other methods of correction: quiet talk at their eye level; restricting their Internet and video games; reinforcing their positive actions. They offer age-specific methods of discipline, as well. Babies should be distracted or moved away from the site of the problem. Preschoolers should be given time-outs. And older kids should have natural consequences.

Read the report. In today’s violent society, it makes sense–for our kids and for our future–to think about discipline for children.

Climate Change Making Us Mentally Unstable?

According to the EPA, climate change can affect our mental health.  The EPA report just released says that man-made global warming is making us sicker, both mentally and physically.  The Surgeon General agrees, saying that doctors are seeing more and more climate-related cases.  Asthma is worsening because of it.  Extraordinary heat is killing tens of thousands of people.

This is no flimsy White-House-conspiracy report; it’s based on 1800 scientific studies.  And our governmental health agencies aren’t doing enough about the situation.

Read more details at “Fever: Federal Report Says Global Warming physical health,White House,EPAMaking US Sick.”