Tag Archive for heat

A Natural Solution to the Mid East Dilemma

I heard something on the news yesterday about the Middle East, that it’s heating up so rapidly that eventually humans won’t be able to live there.

Then I thought about the loooooooong, dehumanizing war there over rightful–and God-given–land ownership.

It made me think: politicians and heads of state can’t resolve the issue; I wonder if Nature will.  And, for those who believe in God and that the earth is in His real estate portfolio (both sides do), would that mean that the Big Guy is stepping in to remind the combatants that  they were all once one tribe and that the land doesn’t really belong to either of them?

Just wondering.



Warm and Cozy and Safe

Baby, it’s cold outside.  Yes, it’s starting to be cozy-up weather, a time when thoughts turn to….space heaters.  They’re convenient and effective, and you don’t have to warm up rooms you aren’t spending time in.

BUT, be safe.  A third of all house fires are cause by space heaters that overheat, melt, tip over, or are used improperly.  You’ve probably had that one stashed in the closet for years.  Time to replace it.  Newer ones have better safety features, like anti-tips, automatic turn-off at overheating, and protections against fabric that leans against it, catching fire.  Look on the box for the features of various brands.  (You can also see what Consumer Reports, Comparaboo, or another research company has to say about those brands.)  Buy the one that does the best job and, above all, is safest.

When you get it home, remember to plug it into it’s own dedicated socket (no rats nests of plugs piggy-backed into that poor socket) and keep it three feet away from flammable items.

One more thing–if you have friends or relatives (especially older or disabled ones), pass on this info to them.  Maybe even buy them a new heater for Christmas.

Once again, dear readers, please keep safe.  I need you!

Turn Off that Oven

Give your oven (and the Earth) a break.  Ovens hold the heat for a long time.  15 minutes before the end of baking (longer for foods taking 40+ minutes to bake), turn off the oven and let the trapped heat finish the job.  And, of course, if your house is chilly, once the baking is done, leave the oven door open so the heat can escape to warm your kitchen.

Leaf 6

For more easy, money-saving, Eco-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to www.Smashwords.com/books/ view/7000, choose a format, and download to your computer or e-book device. Or download a free copy from your favorite e-tailer.



Pre-What? A Heated Debate

Don’t get overheated by arguing for the old ways.  With our modern, well insulated ovens we don’t really need to pre-heat for most non-cake/ pastry items. So don’t do it. Also, rather than losing up to ¼ of the heat by opening the oven during baking, use the window to take a peek.  And turn off the heat a few minutes in advance to let the trapped heat finish the job. (By the way, if it’s winter, turn off the oven and open its door to release the trapped heat into your home.)  It makes sense to use our ovens wisely.

Leaf 6

[For more easy, money-saving, Eco-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to www.Smashwords.com/books/ view/7000, choose a format, and download to your computer or e-book device. Or download a free copy from your favorite e-tailer.]



Why Pay for AC?

Turn UP your AC’s thermostat while you keep cool during this next week or so of high temperatures. Our AC has become an appliance we automatically use before we think of anything else we can do to beat the heat. There are so many other things that we can do that are effective and a LOT less costly.

Read about these at http://www.nrdc.org/thisgreenlife/?utm_source=thisgreenlife&utm_medium=tgllink&utm_campaign=email. Then remember them whenever you find your finger reaching to turn on your AC.

Ice fortress



Pretty Cool!

I’m a cool green now, thanks to my son, Mark.  He helped arrange a new heating/AC device for our house–a Panasonic model with split units so we can heat/cool our living-family-kitchen area or just our master bedroom. My power bills are proving that it’s efficient, and I’m really enjoying the comfort. (Note: until this was installed, I was anti-AC for my home.) It was fun, too, because a film crew from the TV show “Designing Spaces” came to my house to interview Mark and demonstrate the unit.

I don’t mean this to be a commercial, just a reminder of how easy it is to help yourself AND the environment at the same time. See what I mean by viewing the short video from the TV show at http://www.designingspaces.tv/show_segment.php?id=1162.  At the same time, you can “meet” my New Jersey son, Mark O’Donnell.