Tag Archive for funny laws

That Law is STILL On the Books?

For a change, let’s not shake our heads at what laws our legislatures are enacting right now.  Instead, let’s look at some brilliant ones that have already been enacted in our fine country.  Here are the places and what is illegal there.

Columbus, OH  — selling cornflakes

Chico, CA — exploding a nuclear bomb ($500 fine)

Wyoming — taking a picture of a rabbit in June

Arizona –being an illegal drug leader without registering first

Minnesota — mixing male and female washing together on a clothesline

Maryland — mistreating oysters

Alabama — driving a car while blindfolded

New York — shooting rabbits from a moving  trolley

Cheyenne WY — taking a shower on Wednesday

California — peel an onion in a hotel room

New Jersey — frowing at a police officer

North Carolina — sing out of tune or use an elephant to plough cotton fields

Florida — sing while wearing a bathing suit

Maine — bite your landlord

Key West FL — race turtles

And, finally, Wisconsin — serve pie without cheese (but this one makes sense)