Tag Archive for Bourdain

Risk and Warnings of Suicide and What to Do

Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain are only the latest suicides we’ve heard about. They made the news because they’re famous people who “had it all.”  But they didn’t, really. They lacked something important in their lives.

We all know people like them–not famous, maybe, but people who may be thinking that life isn’t worth living so why not end it. People who contribute something to this world, even if it’s “just” their love for a friend or relative.

We can, and should, keep our eyes open for the signs. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s list of Risk Factors and Warning Signs can help us spot the warning signs (talk, behavior, and mood) and risk factors (health, environment, and history).  When we recognize one in someone, or even think we do, we should talk to a trained crisis counselor at the Suicide Prevention Hotline. Phone them at  1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text TALK to 741741 to message with a trained crisis counselor. And if you feel they’re getting close to committing suicide, call 911 and don’t leave them alone under any circumstances.

Not only are you saving their life, but you’re also reminding them that there’s at least one person who wants to continue sharing this world with them. A little thing but one that may just help them find something worth living for.