Tag Archive for 61 seconds

It Only Takes a Second

Plan today what to do with the extra time Science and Nature are giving you tomorrow.  On June 30, the atomic clocks we’ve used since 1967 will adjust to the slowing earth’s rotation, giving us 61 seconds in one of our hours.

Doesn’t sound like much time, but think what you could do with that second to improve someone’s life.  Smile at a stranger.  Hold that hug a little longer.  Say “I love you” to a family member or friend who seldom hears that.  Add one more zero to the check you’re writing to a charity.  Pick up your dirty socks so your spouse doesn’t have to.  Open a door for a person in a wheelchair. Throw away your cigarette butt or garbage instead of dropping it on the ground for someone else to pick up.  Say “thank you” to someone who has been of service to you (server, crossing guard, letter carrier, trash collector, etc.).  Give a friendly wave and “Hello” to a homeless person or the neighbor everyone ignores or dislikes.

It only takes a second to make another person’s life brighter.  And tomorrow you have an extra second to spare.