Archive for admin

Real Support for a Friend

This pandemic is forcing us to face death more than we normally do. Most of us know at least one person who has been taken by the virus, or by other means. As we think about how to deal with the loss of a friend or relative and try to comfort those left behind to mourn, we tend toward platitudes and inaction, because we’re so uncomfortable.

“Anything I can do…anything at all,” we say to the grieving friend, then leave it at that, telling ourselves we’ll be called if we’re really needed.  A crucial time to care for our human family is when one of them has passed from this Earth.  Those who are left behind are in too much pain to know what help to ask for, although there is an overwhelming list of tasks that need to be done.  In a way, saying “call me if there’s anything I can do” puts an additional burden on the bereaved, because she may feel she should give you a task so you feel better. 

What can you do?  Mainly, be very specific in what you offer—to help make arrangements at the funeral home or, later on, to drop off the loved one’s belongings at the charity he supported.   This conveys the message that you really do care, that you can be depended on for the help and friendship she needs whenever she needs it. 

Celebrate Despite the Pandemic

This pandemic has really interfered with our lives, including sharing birthday celebrations with loved ones. It’s dangerous to have a party, or even dinner with a group of people important to the birthday-person. So, what can we do to make the day special for all concerned?

Check out CNN’s 50 Ways to Celebrate a Birthday During a Pandemic.

Hanukkah For Jews and Non-Jews

To all my readers and friends:  I wish you a very happy Hanukkah for the remainder of the 8 days!

To my non-Jewish readers and friends: Hanukkah is a wonderful celebration.  I like one of it’s names, “The Festival of Lights,” both for the history behind the name and for the joyous picture it calls to mind.  If you don’t know what this ages-old, 8-day holiday is about, you’re missing something.  Go to Hanukkah 2020: When it is and what to know (no, it’s not the ‘Jewish Christmas’) and read about this significant, family (in every sense)-oriented celebration.  It’s a breath of fresh air in our troubled world.


All of us are kind from time to time. Often to people we care about. Sometimes to others in order to curry favor. Today’s Thursday Thought quote explains that kindness is bigger than that.

10 Absurdly Funny American Laws

The political world has been too anger- and ulcer-producing recently.  We need to laugh at ourselves a little to reduce the stress.  Here’s a quick look at some laws we’ve passed to solve or prevent some potentially dangerous (?) situations.

A Vivid Memory

I remember the quiet stillness of the place and the visitors. We were awed in this sacred place. We felt the tremendous loss of the the families of those who died, especially those who still lay buried beneath us in their watery graves. We were overcome by the stupidity, the waste, the inhumanity of the act and the war we were part of afterwards. The ferry ride back from the monuments was totally silent as we were all deep in thought.

Did the experience affect me? Obviously, since it’s still vivid after 25 years.

Help People Find Jobs Through Literacy

One huge roadblock for many people trying to find jobs is weak reading and writing skills. Both are vital on the employment application and resume, where lack of basic proficiency relegates you immediately to the waste basket.  Once on the job, those skills are needed during training and orientation sessions, for responding to written questions and instructions (especially in this modern email world), and dealing with all sorts of job-related paperwork, from estimates to invoices.

You can help people get and keep a job–become a volunteer tutor for English-speaking adults who read or write below a 9th-grade level. If you’d rather work with families, volunteer at programs like my local library’s Families for Literacy program. All you need is a willing heart and a little time, because the library or organization will train you.

Finding a job is hard enough in this economy without the burden of being labeled illiterate. Help give job-seekers a fighting chance.

Love of Power

Why can’t the world be at peace? Today’s Thursday Thought quote points out how simple it could be.


Now that the election is done, let’s calm down and move on.  Some of the people and issues I wanted in or out made it; some didn’t.  I’ll just put on my Pollyanna mask and reassure myself that, for this speck of time in the continuum, we voted in our own best interests as a nation.  I encourage this positive attitude for everyone.  I also encourage you to pray, think strong good thoughts, send good vibes, sacrifice goat feathers–or use whatever else is your positive mojo–that our elected officials will govern us with fairness, compassion, and reason.

Will Humans Starve?

Our food supply is in danger because of the climate crisis. It can get harder and harder to get to it or even grow food that’s actually nutritious. What are the threats, and what can be done about this life-threatening problem?