Archive for admin

Veterans: From PTSD to Coral Reefs

I discovered a fantastic program for vets.  It’s not exactly rehab–for  them, at least–but it has rehabilitative effects. Actually, it’s good  for them AND for the coral reefs, which is good for all of us.

It’s called Force Blue. “It’s a brand-new type of post-military program that would help former combat divers cope with their PTSD by refocusing their skills toward the mission of marine conservation,” according to the article The Earth’s coral reefs needed a savior. These retired veterans needed something to save.

Read about Force Blue–how it came about, what it does, and how it is saving the lives both of veterans and of endangered coral reefs.  It’s quite interesting.

Warning: Covid Vaccine Info

IMPORTANT–DON’T FALL FOR THIS: According to the Wall Street Journal and other reliable sources, Russian intelligence is sending out disinformation (lies) online to try to instill distrust in and destroy confidence in U.S. and European Covid vaccines. Read details at U.S. says Russian-backed outlets spread COVID-19 vaccine ‘disinformation’

Always, always check the source–and, therefore, the motives and intent–of supposed “facts” you read or hear. The vaccines are working. Now is not the time to turn away from them!

Wear Purple, Green, & White Today

Today, March 8, is the annual International Women’s Day, with this year’s theme “Choose to Challenge” (# ChoosetoChallenge | #IWD2021). Begun in 1911, it celebrates women’s achievements, courage, and challenges as they face inequality and bias and, despite that, still effect change. Women wear purple (for justice and dignity), green (for hope), and white (for purity) today to show solidarity.

This is a good day for us, both men and women, to wear the movement’s colors, give to women-run charities, or engage in one of these 12 United Nations suggested small actions.

Recycling Pizza

For today’s Sensible Saturday suggestion, I offer this: That pizza box can be recycled BUT NOT if soiled with sauce, cheese, or pepperoni oil.         Those create a slurry in the recycling process that ruins the entire batch. 

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[For more easy, money-saving, Earth-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to or your favorite e-book seller and download to your computer or e-book device. Totally free, with no strings attached.]

Avoiding Imposter Scams

Scammers are after us all the time but have been especially active during this pandemic. And they’re getting much, much better at it, to the point that those of us who are normally vigilant can be taken in.

We have to arm ourselves with as much knowledge and understanding of their tactics as possible. To that end, AARP is offering what they call a “Fraudcast,” called Impostor Scams – Spotting, Avoiding & Reporting on March 18, 2021, 7:00pm PST and 7:00pm EST. Part 2 will be presented on May 6 at 7:00pm both PST and EST. They will cover the kinds of scams out there, how to spot an imposter, how they’re so successful, and resources available to us.

Go to their site and sign up now. Protect yourself.

Cure for Stomach Aches

Today’s Thursday Thought is a cure for that gnawing feeling we get in our stomachs when we write or say something designed to cut down a person or group or idea.

Why “Salt”?

Take it with a grain of salt.  That’s what we’re advised to do when it might be wise to be skeptical of something that’s being said.  But why “salt” instead of, say, “sand” or “wheat” or whatever?  The answer goes all the way back to Ancient Rome, where people used salt as an antidote to poison.

There.  You’ve learned something, and I’ve pushed back the teacher in me again, banishing her to…the salt mines maybe.

Laundry, Full Circle

Here’s a humorous example of when the old becomes new again.

Bear Facts and Polar Beauty

The polar bear is more than just a beautiful animal. It’s one of the largest carnivores in the world, is at the top of the food chain, and is so crucial to the eco system that scientists are concerned by its dying out because of climate change. Today is International Polar Bear Day, a time to consider their beauty and importance. Below are some fun facts about these animals. For more information, go to

Fun Facts:

  • 40kph: The polar bear’s top speed
  • 42 razor sharp teeth: With jagged back teeth and canines larger than grizzly teeth, they pack quite the bite
  • 30 cm wide paws: The size of a dinner plate! A natural snowshoe that helps the bear trek across treacherous ice and deep snow
  • 3 eyelids: The third helps protect the bear’s eyes from the elements
  • 4 inches of fat: Under the bear’s skin to keep it warm
  • Black skin
  • Transparent fur
  • Blue tongue

Families Again!

One hundred five — yes, 105 — children are back with their families, some years after being separated at the border. This has happened just within this last month, due to making those kids a priority and refusing to accept the previous belief that the families simply couldn’t be found. A new month is about to start. How many of the other 500+ children can we return to their families this coming month if the effort is sustained?