Avoiding Imposter Scams

Scammers are after us all the time but have been especially active during this pandemic. And they’re getting much, much better at it, to the point that those of us who are normally vigilant can be taken in.

We have to arm ourselves with as much knowledge and understanding of their tactics as possible. To that end, AARP is offering what they call a “Fraudcast,” called Impostor Scams – Spotting, Avoiding & Reporting on March 18, 2021, 7:00pm PST and 7:00pm EST. Part 2 will be presented on May 6 at 7:00pm both PST and EST. They will cover the kinds of scams out there, how to spot an imposter, how they’re so successful, and resources available to us.

Go to their site and sign up now. Protect yourself.

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