Do you Tweet? Chat on Facebook? Interact with friends on other social networks? Then you have a medium for getting people interested in making this a better world. Continue sharing tidbits of your life, but add a dimension. Mention an informative article you read in the newspaper about how widespread hunger is in America. Express your surprise at learning how many people in your town are without shelter each night. Refer friends to a book you thought had an interesting approach to climate issues or a place you’ve begun volunteering at. Sum up that conversation you had about elder abuse. Don’t be detailed or political. Your aim is not to start an argument but to get your friends thinking. Also, do it only once in awhile. If people think of you as being always on a soapbox, they’ll stop reading you. Most important, let people know that you do care about making this a more peaceful, caring world—and that you hope others do, as well.
Archive for admin
The Heart
Today’s Thursday Thought quote is just an upbeat idea that started my day off right. It fits for my loved ones or for anyone else Fate makes cross my life’s path.
“The heart is happiest when it is beating for others.” — unknown
Good Read: Animal Activists at Odds
Here’s a thought-provoking read: WHEN THE KILLING’S DONE, by T.C. Boyle. A person who loves animals works to save them; meanwhile, another tries to preserve habitat, therefore other animals. But they can’t have both, can they? Who’s right? This book gave this environmentalist much to think about. Available at your public library.
My Shelley
Yesterday was World Turtle Day. I didn’t acknowledge it because I don’t blog on Sundays. Besides, I felt I should spend a little extra time enjoying the manipulative antics of my red-eared slider, Shelley. When my son gave her to me and set up a big tank as her environment, I wasn’t so sure about the idea. After two years, though, I find it calming to sit beside the tank and just watch her and her goldfish companions. Here’s a picture of my Shelley:
Pamper Pets AND the Earth
It’s Sensible Saturday, the day of the week I offer a suggestion for a little way to be earth-friendly. Today, how about including our little fuzzy family members?
When shopping for toys for pets, bypass the rubber and plastic ones, which are often not earth-friendly, and go to the ones made of recycled materials. Pets are part of 63% of American households, a large enough number that our choice of pet toys can make a difference to the Earth.

[For more easy, money-saving, Eco-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to, choose a format, and download to your computer or e-book device. For a description of the book go to My Free Books).
Known and Unknown Impact
Today’s Thursday Thought quote is self-affirming. More than that, though, it reminds us of the impact we have on others, whether or not we realize it. It’s a reminder worth remembering.
Self-Driving Cars
I’m missing something. The logic escapes me. Why would I want to spend multiple thousands of dollars extra on a “self-driving” car that isn’t? I must still be in the driver’s seat, hands on the steering wheel, eyes on the road. What do I gain for all that money? Unless it’s an ego, show-off sort of thing, which I don’t need. I just don’t understand.
Stop More Debt-Collector Power
From Consumer Reports:
More than 150,000 people have signed our petition to kill a new federal rule that would allow debt collectors to harass you on social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. What’s worse, these debt collectors could be allowed to hound you on social media even if you don’t owe any money!
This proposed rule means any of us could get unlimited text messages, emails and direct messages on social media about supposed money we owe, even if we don’t owe it. The deadline to submit our petition to rescind this rule is May 19. Please add your name so we can show the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau how many consumers think this is a bad idea!
BEFORE MAY 19, go to Let’s stop abusive debt collectors! to read more and sign the petition to stop this.
Uber’s (Non)Charitable Heart
I can’t believe Uber! You’ve probably seen their TV ad, where they call on us to do our part to get people vaccinated against Covid-19. How? We should donate a ride to get someone to a vaccination site. That’s all well and good, and some of us are already providing transportation for people who need it so they can get the virus protection. But what is Uber doing? Building their business on the backs of the pandemic.
Come on, Uber! If you’re intentions really were other than helping your bottom line, increasing profits, then why aren’t you offering free or discounted rides as a company?
If we can do it, why can’t you?
Mattel Wants Your Old Toys
Mattel is helping us get rid of Barbies, Matchbox, and other of their toys that your kids outgrew years ago but are stashed in your closet. Send them NOT to the landfill but to the company and they’ll recycle the materials in them to make new toys. They pay for shipping. Get details at

[For more easy, money-saving, Eco-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to, choose a format, and download to your computer or e-book device. For a description of the book go to My Free Books).