This bit of silliness is for anyone who has been troubled by ants and other pests.
Archive for admin
I Don’t use much Water–Do I?
Part of learning how to cut back on our water usage is thinking about how much we use for various functions in our homes. Go to to help determine how water-efficient your household is.

[For more easy, money-saving, Eco-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to, choose a format, and download to your computer or e-book device. For a description of the book go to My Free Books).
Bribe Your Kids?
That’s what some food companies are trying to get us to do. One tells us, if the kids won’t eat the family dinner, make them mac and cheese, presumably every night if necessary. Another says to bribe kids with French fries–give them three if they’ll eat one bite of vegetables. And, again presumably, three more for the next bite from their plate, then three more…. Who cares about nutrition as long as the companies sell their product? And they know that the kids are watching those ads and preparing themselves to be bribed.
Is anyone bothered by this but me? All parents know that kids will eat if they’re really hungry, and if we’re steadfast about their developing healthy eating habits. We also know that little battles like those over food disappear once kids realize we won’t give in and bribe them, because we love them to much.
As for me, I’m boycotting those two companies.
If You Think About Criticizing…
Today’s Thursday Thought quote/picture addresses all of us, because part of our human nature is to disagree with others and point out to them exactly how and why they’re wrong. We could walk away, but since we usually don’t, here’s something to consider:
It’s Vicious Out There
I’ve heard many reasons why people don’t want to get vaccinated against Covid. I agree that vaccination is their choice, as long as they take careful measures not to infect others. And as long as they don’t try to intimidate or threaten other people with retribution if they choose to get vaccinated.
But many anti-vaxers are so convinced that they have the only real facts that they’re getting vicious against anyone who disagrees with them. We’ve all seen and heard the deep cutting-down and the outright flaunting of their rights over people who don’t believe the way they do. The worst I’ve heard so far was from a husband to his wife. He’s dominant in the family and he knows (an uses) it. I’ll leave you to think about the impact of what he said: “I’ll divorce you if you get vaccinated!”
Hard-Hitting Aquinas
Today’s Thursday Thought quote doesn’t pull any punches.
“If you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust.” — Thomas Aquinas
Play Ball, Positively
One of the least-loving places we visit is where our child’s team competes. Be it soccer or softball, you’ve sat in the stands, cringing when a parent cusses at the referee or some adult encourages fighting or intentional injury, either directly or indirectly by non-verbal approval when it happens. This can be an opportunity for you to be a good example to your child, the teams, and the adults who aren’t acting like examples to their own kids. For instance, ask that man not to use ethnic slurs around your kids. Find something during the game to compliment the small, awkward child on the team. If your child acts with violence, make sure your language (body and verbal) clearly indicates your disapproval. In front of other adults and the team, express your appreciation to the referee for his time and fairness. When you leave, have your child help you dispose of your family’s trash, plus what was left by people around you. Keep your eyes, ears, and heart open and you’ll find ways to improve our often too-negative world.
Irony–Branching Out
Humans…trees…paper…… Gotta love the irony. Here’s a Sensible Saturday environmental thought for you.
Living with Dementia
Many of us will have a relative or friend with dementia. It makes us nervous, because we don’t know how to act. Some people treat the person like a child, which isn’t right or respectful. This little chart is a great roadmap to help both us and our loved one with dementia.
How to be Beautiful
Today’s Thursday Thought quote struck me as so simple. We spend trillions of dollars every year on beauty products, gym workouts, cosmetic surgery, Photoshop…. All when the answer is right before our eyes.