The Beatles had some wild (for the times) music, for sure. They also had some ideas worth thinking about, as in today’s John Lennon Thursday Thought quote.
Archive for admin
I Suggest You Click “Hide”
When I go on Facebook to see what’s happening with out-of-area friends and relatives, I have to wade through a ton of posts labeled “Suggested for You.” I’d like to know who thinks I’m interested in classic cars or music groups I’ve never heard of or silly (or asinine) memes.
But I discovered something magic. I now click on those three dots on the top right, across from who the post is from, and select “Hide all from [their site].” I never have to see them again! Of course, others pop up to replace them (Extreme Bikes?!), but I give them the same treatment. Gives me a little satisfaction, as though I have some control over Facebook posts set before me. Okay, so I’m a bit delusional….
Uber Overcharges People with Disabilities!
The Justice Department has filed an ADA lawsuit against Uber for charging “wait time” fees to passengers who, because of disability, take longer than two minutes to get in their Uber car. Individuals who believe they have been victims of disability discrimination by Uber because they, or someone they were traveling with, were charged wait time fees should contact the Justice Department at 833-591-0425 (toll-free), 202-305-6786, or send an email to [email protected].
For more information about the ADA, call the Department’s toll-free ADA Information Line at 800-514-0301 (TDD 800-514-0383) or access the ADA website at
Renters: Beware of this Scam
It happened to me on Craigslist, but it could be on any site that you’re looking for a rental home. I listed a rental on Craigslist and got some results. Then one of the people I was considering told me that someone else had it listed, too, and at a lower price. When I hunted it up, I saw my address, my pictures, my description, and NOT my price. That scammer could easily take inquiries and trap people into giving them first/last month and deposit up front–then disappear, leaving the people not having rented a place but out of a bunch of money.
So…be careful! Be SURE you’re talking to the actual owner.
I’m Baaaaaack
Sorry it took me so long to get back to my postings, but I’ve just been having too good a time. Family visiting me from New Jersey (haven’t seen in 3 years). Preparations for my son’s wedding. The actual wedding set among the redwoods. WONDERFUL. And it took me a couple of days to recover. Worth the tiredness, though! I’m back doing my daily (except Sunday) blogs and Tweets. Here’s my son and my new daughter-in-law:
Brief Pause
If you’re a regular reader, you know that I post every day but Sunday most times. That won’t be happening starting tomorrow. That’s when family arrives from New Jersey, staying with me for about a week. We haven’t seen each other for three years, so we have a lot of catching-up to do. In the midst of our reunion, we’ll be attending my son’s wedding to a young woman I really, really like. I’m joyfully preparing for my mother-of-the-groom role.
I’ll be back in this space probably Nov. 8. Don’t go away!
Halloween is CHRISTIAN?!
We think of Halloween as a pagan celebration. Actually, rather than being devil-worship, it has very Christian roots. With the help of the Irish, French, a Pope, and greeting card companies.
I found the history of the celebration very interesting when I viewed The Catholic History of Halloween and think you might, too.
Insecure About Food
You’ve heard the term “food insecurity.” It’s not quite the same as hunger or starvation but just as bad. It’s affecting millions of Americans today. What is it and what can be done about it? Read What is Food Insecurity, by Nicole Sturzenberger. Here’s the beginning of this informative and heart-breaking article:
“America has a hunger problem. As the nation producing the most food exports in the world, 38 million people face hunger in the United States every year, including 12 million American children. Food insecurity is an often overlooked (and criticized) issue but during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, as many lost jobs, record numbers of people turned to their local food pantry for support. Stories of long lines and people stunned by their sudden change in stability were hard to avoid in the media.”
[Continued here.]