Archive for admin

Beat the System

Ever think the “system” is out to get you?  It’s sad reality for those whom society prefers to ignore.  We can change their lives, though, simply by working with groups dedicated to their well-being.  Yes, I’m talking about volunteering.  But not for far-flung causes you don’t care much about.  Make it something close to your own heart.  Do you have a family member who has a special challenge?  Then be part of a project like Special Olympics, which helps mentally and physically fragile people participate in society.  If you had (or were!) a troubled teen, become a Foster Parent or Child Advocate.  Maybe the elderly are close to your heart.  Catholic Charities has an Ombudsman Program which needs volunteers to investigate complaints and advocate for people.  Focus on a group of vulnerable people, and offer a few hours to improve their lives.  You’ll be helping people in distress, and you’ll be making the “system” more humane.

It’s MY Decision

It wasn’t easy and took me a long time, involving research, weighing truths, reading original documents, and tuning out what’s being said in ads and social media (NOT good sources!). Then going through and carefully marking bubbles to be sure I didn’t make a mistake. But I got through it and dropped my ballot into the mail this morning.

“It’s only a Primary Election,” I hear people say. “I won’t bother until the REAL election in November.”

What those people are overlooking is that the Primaries are at least as important, maybe even more so. Partly because they include state/city offices/issues (who do I want in charge of my state and city?) and measures that, if passed, will affect my life positively and negatively. In addition, Primaries determine who runs in the General Election. I want a say in that, because I want the best possible candidates to be put before the voters in the General.

Problem: Too few people vote in the Primaries, leaving the decisions to interest groups and wealthy supporters whose voices are loud enough to influence the election, because their voices and money shout loudest, drawing in like-minded and/or sheep-like voters. I refuse to give into them. I refuse to let others decide the lives of myself and my loved ones.

Angel (Devil) Soft TP

Don’t use Angel Soft TP! Contact Georgia Pacific at and tell them you won’t buy it again until they change their irresponsible TV ad. You’ve seen it. A mother pulls off about 15 squares of TP for her little daughter. This teaches kids that they need that much TP when a far smaller amount does the job. Besides, it’s environmentally harmful: TP = cutting down old-growth trees and using a LOT of water during manufacturing. Our limited natural resources can’t afford to be needlessly flushed down the drain.

Beware Friggatriskaidekaphobia

Are you hiding under the covers all day today? Avoiding making decisions? Not traveling any more than you absolutely have to?  It’s probably due to your friggatriskaidekaphobia–fear of Friday the 13th.  Blame it on the Norse goddess or the movie series, or laugh at people who have this fear. Many people actually do experience it.

Wonder how it started? What it’s history is or what myths surround it?  If more thefts, accidents, crime, etc. happen on Friday 13?  Before venturing any further into this day, read the International Business Times article on the topic (go to

Shout it Out–Silently

Today’s Thursday Thought quote/picture made me think. I try to be a good listener, but I’d never associated it with being kind. Now I can remember all sorts of times when I was the grateful recipient of this kindness.

An App to Save on Food Bills

The FoodKeeper app tells how/how long to store food and beverages so you can maximize their freshness, quality, and usefulness. It was developed by the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, with Cornell University and the Food Marketing Institute. To download it to your computer or phone, go to

Covid vs. Allergies

Problem: It’s Spring and I’m sneezing, coughing, fighting a headache, as usual during allergy season. But aren’t these signs of Covid, too? Yes. This chart shows how closely Covid symptoms are to allergies. Wouldn’t hurt if you got tested.

Gobbled-Up Energy

Unplug energy-gobbling appliances (TVs, phone/iPad chargers, computers/printers–any appliance) when not in use.  Sleep-mode draws electricity, so unplug from the wall.  This will stop adding 10%-20% (or $70/year) to your electric bill—and save the oil and coal needed to produce electricity as well as 190 pounds of greenhouse gasses.

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[For more easy, money-saving, Eco-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to, choose a format, and download to your computer or e-book device. For a description of the book go to My Free Books).

Thank You!

Growing up with a disability (polio), in and out of hospitals and doctors’ offices–and now, as I grow older, with new ailments–there has been a cornucopia of nurses who have cared for, encouraged, and advised me, and just been there for me. On this Nurses Day, I just want to say THANK YOU!

A Day to Celebrate

This day celebrates NOT Mexican Independence (that’s in September) but, here in the US, a recognition of a group of Americans who have contributed greatly to our country. Today’s Thursday Thought quote/picture invites you to have a happy Cinco de Mayo!

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