Archive for admin

“Reading the Riot Act”

I’m tired of politics and in the mood for a little phrase-history today.  One that the older generation still uses is to “read the riot act,” often to their children, and always in a gruff, threatening voice.  It means, of course,  to warn sternly about misconduct.  So, where does this odd phrase come from?

Actually, it goes back to 18th century England.  If a group of at least twelve people were misbehaving, a magistrate could read them a proclamation stating that they had an hour to disperse and anyone failing to do so would be arrested.  Punishment was harsh for those die-hards who stuck around.

[For my new readers, as an ex-teacher, I get a periodic urge to instruct.]

I’ll Never Pay it Forward

Ever since the release of a movie years ago, people have been touting the virtues of “pay it forward.”  I’ve decided that I just can’t do that.

Truth is, although I’ve had my fair share of problems in my life, it’s been a good life.  I owe that to a whole lot of kind, caring people who have been present for me in so many ways.  They’ve done it out of friendship, the kindness of their hearts, or just because they saw a fellow human suffering.

You’d think, then, that I’d be eager to pay it forward.  Actually, I’d love to.  Trouble is, it will take the rest of my life, if I can do it, to simply to pay back for all that others have given to me.

Be Careful

It should go without saying, but I’ll say it: Be careful when driving today and tonight. Kids are excited being someone/something different in their costumes, running across streets to or from school and trick-or-treating. Older kids think it’s fun to do tricks with their vehicles and speed along. Adults feel they can make it home safely despite driving after office or home parties. In other words, we need to be careful with our own actions and be extra aware of the actions of others. Halloween can be fun-scary or deadly scary.

Why Argue

Imagine if every time we argued we remembered what Karl Popper says in today’s Thursday Thought quote.

Birthday Girl

This is a picture of Rosie Marie O’Donnell (obviously, the middle name is needed) playing with her birthday toy. She’s 4 years old today and has been a cherished part of my life for most of that time.

You May Be Baking Up the Wrong Tree

People often shy away from adopting a dog from an animal shelter, mainly because of bad things they’ve heard about those animals. If you’re one of those people and you’re hesitating because one of the following apprehensions, please, before you go any farther on your search for a family pet, go to “Don’t Adopt That Dog!” And Some of the WORST Advice You’ll Get Concerning Rescue Dogs to learn why these ARE JUST UNTRUE MYTHS and you’ve been barking up the wrong tree!


1) There’s something wrong with them.

2) They’re unpredictable. You never know what you’ll get once you bring them home.

3) They don’t do well with other animals.

4) They’re hard to train.

5) They’re all old.

6) They can’t be around children.

7) They won’t bond with you.

8) You’ll have to make a new Instagram account for them.


10) You can’t do anything fun with them.


Today’s Thursday Thought is for everyone who tries hard to help others but forgets themselves, as well as for those on the receiving end of what they give.

“The healer also needs healing. The planner also needs surprises. The giver also needs to receive. The thoughtful also needs to be thought of. The considerate also needs to be considered.” — Unknown

Humor with Teeth in it

This appeals to the sideways look at life that I like so much.  And, for the heck of it, let me add this fact: in your lifetime, you have a 1 in 3,700,000 chance of being killed by a shark.  (In comparison, the flu will do you in 1 out of 63  times).

Halloween Animal Safety

Decorating for Halloween? Have fun, but keep wildlife safe from fake spiderwebs, jack-o-lanterns, and other decorations. Some are harmful to animals. For specifics, read Keep Halloween Safe for Wildlife — go to


On mornings like this, when I wake up feeling “blah,” this Thursday Thought quote gives me the purpose I need to get up and get going.