You May Be Baking Up the Wrong Tree

People often shy away from adopting a dog from an animal shelter, mainly because of bad things they’ve heard about those animals. If you’re one of those people and you’re hesitating because one of the following apprehensions, please, before you go any farther on your search for a family pet, go to “Don’t Adopt That Dog!” And Some of the WORST Advice You’ll Get Concerning Rescue Dogs to learn why these ARE JUST UNTRUE MYTHS and you’ve been barking up the wrong tree!


1) There’s something wrong with them.

2) They’re unpredictable. You never know what you’ll get once you bring them home.

3) They don’t do well with other animals.

4) They’re hard to train.

5) They’re all old.

6) They can’t be around children.

7) They won’t bond with you.

8) You’ll have to make a new Instagram account for them.


10) You can’t do anything fun with them.

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