Archive for admin

What if I Don’t Change It?

Today’s Thursday Thought quote answers that question.

“Whatever you are not changing you are choosing.” – Unknown

Financial Logic

Please don’t take this as a political issue. I just need someone to explain the LOGIC. I pay my bills, then I budget for what I can spend in the future. Some Congress-members are insisting that we not pay our bills (things we’ve already bought on credit) until AFTER making that future budget. ??????

Thank You, Richard Nixon

Richard Nixon, you’re the man!  If it hadn’t been for you, our language wouldn’t have expanded so much.  Or did it contract?

In any event, in 1974 your shenanigans at the Watergate Hotel began a trend.  Since then, political scandals in the U.S. (we’ll ignore other countries for now) have been called Irangate (Ronald Regan), Nannygate (Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood), Strippergate (two–in San Diego and in Seattle), Emailgate (Hilary Clinton), Bridgegate (Chris Christie), and many, many others.

Then there are all the swinging “gates” in entertainment, academics, journalism, technology, and sports (we can’t ignore “Deflategate”).

If you want to recall others, Wikipedia has a good list:

Look what Nixon started.  Now, if we could just close this gate and corral all the dishonest, conniving politicians onto a far-away island with no way of communicating with the rest of us….

Meanwhile, I wonder what Nixon is doing these days, secure behind the Pearly Gates.

Dream On

Thinking of Martin Luther King, Jr. on his memorial day today, I felt like reviewing his historic “I Have a Dream” speech. I’d forgotten how powerful it was back then, how relevant it is today, how much it speaks to re-uniting our human family. I invite you to take a bit of time to listen to it.

Have a Nice-Smelling Home

Homemade, earth-friendly potpourri: Cedar chips are aromatic on their own. To kick them up a notch, add a few drops of an essential oil, like lavender or lemon, to cedar chips and place in a bowl or cheesecloth sachet.

[For more easy, money-saving, Eco-friendly tips, download a FREE copy of Green Riches: Help the Earth & Your Budget. Go to, choose a format, and download to your computer or e-book device. For a description of the book go to My Free Books).

Twitter World

Thoughts from an older person:

As an older person, I’ve had this feeling: Look at me. I’m talking to you. A minute ago, you seemed interested in the thought I was expressing, so I took a chance and told you more, exposing my feelings. It felt good, this mutual human contact. Then you looked away, then down at your phone. Your eyes said that my one minute of interaction was up and your mind was wandering elsewhere. Your inattention said a lot more, though—that you aren’t interested in what I’m saying or even in me. That I’m not worth a speck of your time. That the hint of vulnerability I’ve shown should have stayed hidden. I don’t think you really mean any disrespect or even know how you’re making me feel. It’s just how things are today in this Twitter world. In this lonely, isolating, dehumanizing Twitter world.

The 4-Pronged Human

Today’s Thursday Thought quote is a 4-pronged measure of humanity worth considering.

“Courage. Kindness. Friendship. Character. These are the qualities that define us as human beings, and propel us, on occasion, to greatness.” –R.J. Palacio


I invite you to read my newly released book, The Women in Me: How they Helped Me Survive and Thrive. It’s available in print and eBook formats. It’s an inspirational memoir about the influences of the women in co-author Nancy’s life and how women can help each other with healing and coping from trauma. It has sadness and joy, drama and humor, fear and confidence. Explore Authors Magazine describes it as “A highly insightful read” and gives it 5 stars. If you don’t do Amazon, Google Women in Me O’Donnell Mercado to find other places to get it. Then, please write a review–we can use all the stars we can get!

Brief Candle or Torch?

As we get going in this new year, today’s Thursday Thought quote points us in a bright, positive direction.

“Life is not ‘a brief candle.’” It is a splendid torch that I want to make burn as brightly as possible for future generation.” – George Bernard Shaw

Perfect Time for Mentoring a Child

I’m participating this month in National Mentoring Month and invite you to do the same. A mentor can change a child’s life, especially those children living with poverty. All it takes from us is a little time to read to a child, help with homework, take him to a park or playground, sit and talk to them—whatever says to that child, “You really DO matter.”  What the mentor does is help build the child’s self-esteem while helping build academic, intellectual, and social skills that they have little chance to work on otherwise.

An easy way to get involved in mentoring is to volunteer at a nearby school or library. Both have literacy programs.  Check with your local branch of Big Brothers/Sisters.  A church, synagogue, or mosque often is aware of families they serve who have a child who would benefit from mentoring.  Find an agency that works with at-risk youngsters.

Become a mentor this month.  Make a difference in a life.