25 of the Worst Charities

We’re entering the season of giving, the season when we’re most generous and open to those needing help.  Therefore, it’s the season to be particularly careful.  Think twice before giving in to knocks on your door, phone calls, and collectors-for-charities outside your supermarket.

Unfortunately, the season of love is also prime season for scams.

Last December, in my blog “Don’t be Charitable to Scammers,” I offered ideas to help you make sure your money goes to a reputable place who will help people in need or suffering terrible illness.  Today I suggest you go to a site that lists the top 25 terrible “charities”–some you may have heard about, some who may be calling on you soon.  This site also gives suggestions to avoid scams, including some from the IRS.

Before you give another penny, please go to http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/11/13/1449096/-25-of-America-s-worst-charities-plus-tips-on-how-to-avoid-getting-scammed?detail=email.


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