Get to Work, Woman!

If you’re a working woman, at the end of today, you will have earned what a man in your same job earned just last week. If you’re lucky, you’re probably earning 84 cents when that man is earning a dollar. If you’re a woman of color, that pay gap is even larger. When you retire, you’re twice as likely as a man to live in poverty  because he has more savings than you do.  

Oh, and, by the way…today is Equal Pay Day.  This is the day into the year that a woman must work (adding in last year) at the same job a man works, with his having to work only through last December to earn the same amount of money.

Gee.  You’d think that employers still had old fashioned ideas that a woman worked as a hobby, that she has a husband who is the one who provides for her and the needs of the family and so deserves the job and pay. Naw….who in this day and age would still think such a thing?

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