Beware! Helping Our Veterans

Currently, our veterans are very much on our minds, as we learn about the large percentage of homeless people being vets (number is declining, but too slowly), as well as news of substandard treatment by the VA medical system.  We want to honor the men and women who have fought our battles, to care for them as they have cared for us.

There’s a man, presumably a vet, sitting outside a store, with a cane, an ammo box, and a sign asking for donations to benefit veterans.  Our conscience pricks us.  Should we give?

Not unless we’re familiar with the organization.  This is a huge scam in our country right now–a shameful one.

Check out that group (or any charitable organization) before giving.  Be sure your money will actually benefit veterans.  There are various on-line sites that can tell you if a particular group is legally registered and does the work they claim to do.  One I like, because it’s always up-to-date, is

Do whatever you can to help our vets.  But beware of scam artists.

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