Either-Or World

We see it in social media all the time—postings urging us not to give money or services to the homeless or immigrants but instead give it to veterans.  That “illegals” not be given welfare (which they legally can’t get anyway) so that the money goes to “legal” American families. To put our concern toward our own children rather than those separated at the border. Even to set aside issues like the death penalty and domestic violence and concentrate only on ending abortion. ALL of these concerns are important ones that we need to address. There are enough people with a variety of talents and abilities, so no one has to take on all the tasks himself.  All the holy books remind us that each of us is given gifts to allow us to serve in our own way. When we see such media postings or feel criticized that what we’re doing to support the human family isn’t aiming our efforts in the right direction, it’s important to remember that this is not really an either-or world.

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