Holy Week Warning

For Christians, Holy Week is here. We’ve spent Lent trying to improve in the areas of prayer, fasting, and alms-giving. Possibly the most complicated of this Threefold Path is the last one. It’s more than just writing a check to a charity. Unless we’re careful, we can unwittingly donate to a hate group. We can’t always tell by their names. Examples: First Works Baptist Church, Israel United in Christ, Pacific Justice Institute, Vineland Clothing. These are among the 733 Hate Groups identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as active in our country. Before you give, go to https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map and enter your state to see which groups you should NOT give your money to because they spread hatred. Look at other states, as well, since the group may be located elsewhere. Identifying them is the first step. Not supporting them is the second step. Eradicating them and all they stand for is the ultimate step.

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