Cheating Our Kids and Country

I’m worried about how ready the next generation will be to run our country. That’s because so many states are passing laws to make it easier to become a teacher. In 23 states, a person can now become a teacher without their ability and temperament for the job being questioned. There’s even less assessment to ensure that they fully grasp the subject they’ll teach, and emergency certification is being given to anyone without even a BA or training.

Why? Because there’s an alarming shortage of teachers in 47 states, leading to cancelled classes and hiring unprepared, inadequate “teachers.”

Teaching is an undervalued profession, in salary, working conditions, and respect. No wonder so many people are leaving it. But the measures described above aren’t working. In fact, those unprepared “teachers” leave the profession at more than 2/3 the rate of fully certified teachers. Clearly, our country’s priorities are misplaced.

And our kids, who are our future leaders, are being cheated.

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