Let your Stars Shine

Despite their commitment to treating customers honesty, fairly, and personally, one of my favorite. family-owned and run small stores is suffering. Why? Because most people write reviews only if they’re upset. Typical negative reviews for this store misstate what actually happened, like the latest situation where a service person went, as requested, to the home to fix one thing on one item. When he arrived, the customer had bought parts from the manufacturer to upgrade another item, too, and expected the service person to now do a 2-hour job when he was scheduled for only a 30-minute job and use a part that was not the right one. He couldn’t do it then but promised to reschedule to do the job right. The customer wrote a scathing review, saying the company didn’t know what they were doing and refused to do the work. Of course, he gave only 1 star.

The upshot her, folks, is that reviews really do affect a business. DO write GOOD reviews when you think a company has been efficient, considerate, accommodating, or whatever. Something POSITIVE to offset the unfair reviews and to pull the star-average upward. It’s a good way for you to show your appreciation for a company which has treated you well.

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