Relief is Almost Here

One more day of frustration! Then I won’t have to sprain my “delete” finger on 50+ emails, texts, and voice mails. I voted a couple of weeks ago, and I’m still getting them. It’s a waste of their time, money, and volunteers, because I don’t read or listen to them. For the same reason I don’t listen to campaign speeches and interviews: they usually devolve into skirting questions asked and spending the bulk of their time not explaining in detail what they want to do for us and how they intend to do it, but instead cutting down their opponent and opposing political party. They don’t get that I really want to vote FOR someone, because I believe in them, not AGAINST someone because I’m being told how bad or dangerous that candidate is. I want to be assured that whom I vote for will honestly put party politics aside and work to unite my country in efforts to do away with the senseless violence, discrimination, hatred, greed, and self-interest running amok in my country and get us on track as true world leaders — democratically and in terms of equal justice and peace-promoters on all levels.

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