Be Senior Savvy

When you talk to your older friend, look and listen.  Do you see bruises or weight-loss, although she’s normally pretty healthy?  Does a lady who used to be a Chatty Cathy now cut conversations short?  Does she tell you about the bundle of money she’s getting from an unexpected source, and she just has to send a check to cover taxes?  Or about a long-lost grandson whose story of financial woe broke her heart so she’s helping out?  Are she and her caregiver having arguments? These are a few signs that your friend or relative may be the victim of elder abuse.  You owe it to her to report the situation.  You may be the only one who does.  If it’s a life-threatening situation, call 911.  Otherwise, call Adult Protective Service.  Call even if you aren’t sure there’s abuse.  They’ll get details from you, then, if they (the experts) feel there’s possible abuse, they’ll send someone to do a welfare check.  You may be wrong; however, if you’re right you may save a life.

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