Why Not a Gas Stove?

You may want to think twice when shopping for a new stove, especially if you’re considering a gas model. A UCLA study showed that gas appliances in 90% of California homes give off carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter, formaldehyde. and other toxins. These are serious health threats to your family–and they don’t help the Earth, either. Before you go shopping, read this E/The Environmental Magazine article, Should I Ditch My Gas Stove? Learn about their impact on lung and heart disease, your vulnerability to viruses, headaches, and other health problems. Keep in mind that the study found that “children who grew up in a home with a gas stove are 42% more likely to develop asthma than those who didn’t.” The article also offers alternatives to gas stoves. It’s a worthwhile read.

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