A Special Day to Support Our Country

Upset with laws that are being passed or how your elected officials are representing you?  Many people are angry at new laws that will hurt specific economic, ethnic, or age groups, or that further endanger people who are already at-risk.  Oddly enough, many who complain don’t exercise a basic American right that empowers the average person.  They forget that one tiny individual voice added to all the other tiny voices equals a shout heard in the halls of all the legislatures.  Not only do some people not vote, they don’t even register to vote. 

You can celebrate our most powerful American right by registering to vote.  It’s easy.  Simply pick up a postage-paid Voter Registration form at the post office or go to https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote to register online. You don’t have to choose a political party if you don’t want to. Just fill in the form and submit it.

Do it today or tomorrow, because tomorrow, Sept. 28, 2021, is National Voter Registration Day.

Than, next (and every) election, be sure to vote. Your vote strengthens our democracy and, therefore, our country.

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