An Important Month for Many Religions

April is a busy month.  Several religions celebrate important spiritual occasions during this month.  I thought I’d list them and encourage all believers to honor their own  religious tradition not only by  respecting the sacred beliefs of others but also by remembering that we are all part of the same human family under that Supreme Being/Force/God–whatever name we affix to Him/Her/It.

Lazarus Saturday – Orthodox Christian

Palm Sunday – Orthodox Christian

Ramanavami  – Hindu

Palm Sunday- Christian

Mahavir Jayanti  – Jain

Lord’s Evening Meal – Jehovah’s Witness Christian

Hanuman Jayanti – Hindu

Theravadin New Year  – Buddhist

Pesach (Passover)  – Jewish

Maundy Thursday – Christian

Holy Friday – Orthodox Christian

Baisakhi (Vaisakhi) – Sikh

Good Friday – Christian

Easter – Christian

Pascha (Easter) – Orthodox Christian

First Day of Ridvan  – Baha’i

St. George’s Day – Christian

Yom HaShoah  – Jewish

Lailat al Miraj – Islam

Ninth Day of Ridvan  – Baha’i

St. James the Great Day – Orthodox Christian


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