Archive for July 6, 2018

Keep Your Privacy Private

Californians are getting the power to protect themselves. What is your state  or country doing?

Starting in 2020, Californians will have the power to control whether or not online companies can keep or sell our data.  Currently, online companies collect all sorts of information about us and use it either to bombard us with advertising or profit from it by selling it to others who attack us with ads…and worse.

Although the new law isn’t as strong as the one in Europe, it’s the strongest in the U.S.

Start bombarding your lawmakers with demands that they enact similar legislation.  We all deserve to avoid giving up part of our private lives every time we search or buy on the internet, go  to a website,  or download a movie or e-book.

Remember: Their taking our data isn’t just a bother to us; their having our information can also endanger us, especially the most vulnerable among our family and friends.

Celebrating My Own Independence

Happy Independence Day!  I’ll celebrate by noticing how truly independent I am.  I have so many choices: sleep inside my home or camp outside; eat too many BBQ ribs or not eat at all; go to the doctor with my nagging cold or just ride it out; go to work or take a day off; spend full price on that coat, just because I love it, or forego it for now, hoping to find it on sale or even free from someone who no longer wants hers.  I can choose to spend my day dreaming of fun activities with the family or worrying about what might happen to me next.  Oddly, I’m given this independence of choice through an accident of life.  Because I’m not mentally ill or addicted to a destructive substance, am not divorced, and I was lucky enough to situate myself comfortably before the economy tanked, I get to enjoy my independence while others struggle on the streets.  Yes, I’ll spend this 4th of July weekend in deep appreciation.

Our Amazing Universe

A new birth! Not a boy or a girl…a planet! And we’re present at its birth. The  first time ever we’ve had  this experience. It doesn’t have a real name, just PDS 70b (around a dwarf star, PDS 70).

It’s amazing, breath-taking, and awe-inspiring. Partly because of our ability to see such an event outside our own solar system.

Below is a picture of it. But you can see and learn more by going to

This is welcome positive news to start the week. It gives me hope that, despite what we humans are doing to each other on Earth, the Universe continues to be fashioned in beautiful, magnificent ways.