Today: A Great Holiday to Observe

This morning I observed a holiday that occurs the second Monday in January.  Okay, okay.  So it isn’t official, but the fact that somebody obviously made it up is reason enough to observe National Clean Off Your Desk Day.  And the treasures I found!!!!!

I discovered 14 paperclips, 2 dried-out pens, the Christmas cookie I hid from a visiting child, rusty scissors, an expired Lowe’s credit card, a note to myself about a person who hasn’t yet paid me for an editing job I did for him, 5 pictures I meant to put into the family album I’m creating for my son, several books I’ve been meaning to read (how could I NOT have read Don’t Think of an Elephant, by George Lakoff?), an actual cassette tape, and, of course, a batch of papers I need to file.  Fascinating!

You may want to celebrate this day, too.  No telling how much your life will be enriched (past the three pennies I found).

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