6-Pack rings: Don’t Toss ‘Em–Eat ‘Em!

When we toss out those plastic rings that hold 6-packs together we’re helping kill a million fish, turtles, birds, and small mammals a year.  Most of those holders end up in the ocean, where the creatures get tangled in them.  Conscientious people cut them apart so that doesn’t happen.  But the wildlife eat the pieces.

A small beer company in Florida, Saltwater Brewery, has a solution.  They’ve come up with a biodegradable 6-pack holder that doesn’t harm creatures that eat them (although you don’t really want to eat them, despite how much beer you wash them down with).

Urge all beverage companies to start using them.  To begin, sign the petition to Coca-ColaAnd when the new holders finally come out, demand that all companies use them.


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