Recipe to Get You Through the Week

This has been a stressful year, but it’s over tomorrow.  The campaigning, innuendos, half (and non) truths, name-calling, squabbling, taking sides….  We’re all sick of it.

I propose two things.  First, of course, is to vote tomorrow.  If you don’t vote, you forfeit the right to complain about the outcome.

Second, make Wednesday a calm, peaceful day.  Reconcile with friends and relatives with whom the election has caused rifts.  Start looking for the positive side of the candidates and ballot measures that won.  Enjoy the fact that your mailbox isn’t stuffed with election materials and that your phone isn’t ringing off the hook with recorded political messages.  If doing something semi-destructive but also constructive will calm your nerves, take a walk and collect political signs from light posts (not from private property) and bring them home to recycle.

And, most of all, feel American-proud that you did your part to foster democracy by voting.



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