The DMV can change my life! They’re devising rules for self-driving cars. It will probably mean some sort of training or test, then a sticker on our driver’s license authorizing a person to be a passenger in such a car. The technology already has safety-features built into it, and there will be more. For example, a sophisticated computer monitors speed and proximity to other vehicles, and it can react to sudden dangers, like an elephant falling from the pick-up in front of us. (They’re worried that a computer might not react as quickly as a human, but consider all the drunk drivers, brand-new drivers, and ones who should have given up their licenses years ago for a variety of reasons.) Also, the computer would not talk on a cell phone, eat McDonald’s, apply make-up, squeeze a zit, let Fluffy ride on its lap, or turn around to break up a fight between Suzie and Johnny…it would just drive.
All this sounds good to me. But let’s not stop there. After all, living life is just as dangerous as driving a car. Training, a license, safety-features, no negative distractions—why not? Give me a self-driving life, please!