Tag Archive for youth

Is Child Abuse a National Pastime?

80% of the child abuse cases within the Boy Scouts of America between 1970 and 1991 went unreported. Churches (Catholic and Protestant and other faiths) have hidden cases involving their clergy, youth leaders, and other members of their staffs.  School administrations have quietly moved accused offenders to other schools and positions.  Coaches of youth teams carry on abuse in locker rooms while others look the other way. The perpetrators are not strangers.  In fact, more than 90% of the children who suffer sexual abuse know their abusers.

A report of child abuse is made every ten seconds.  What about all the other, unreported instances?

Why do so many people feel it’s okay to harm our vulnerable children?  Apparently, many people do feel this way, because there are so many abusers and so many people and organizations that cover it up.   When we hear about it, we act shocked, shake our heads in dismay, then go on with our lives.  In effect, those of us who do nothing to stop it are helping to perpetuate it.

Has this national shame become a national pastime, simply another tolerated violence like boxing and hunting?  I hope not.

Martin Too Black or Too Young?

There’s a type of profiling in our society that people upset with the Zimmerman verdict are overlooking.  Instead of profiling Trevon Martin as a BLACK person, could Zimmerman have reacted to his YOUTH?  A kid, likely with a bit of a youthful, jaunty walk, coming down the street, face partially covered by a hoodie, carrying…something….  As they moved closer together, a KID probably failed to give an adult the desired response (translate that into “respect”).  Words exchanged could not have been conversation, because kids and adults don’t speak the same slanguage, and adults, often uncomfortable with that, become defensive to keep themselves from becoming intimidated by a PUNK KID.

I don’t know.  I think there was some pre-conceived notion on Zimmerman’s part.  Otherwise he wouldn’t have left his car to confront Martin.  I have reasonable doubt, though, that it was simply racial.  Maybe partially racial, maybe not.  But I’d bet that, in that Neighborhood Watchman’s mind, young people were the perpetrators of a recent rash of burglaries; therefore, he saw Martin as a suspect and a threat because he was a KID.



Thoughtful Thursday: Our Youth

[Appropriate for July, which is National Make a Difference to Children Month]:

“When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts.” (Dalai Lama)



Misguided Pope

There’s something wrong with the new Pope.  On Holy Thursday he intends to leave the beautiful church provided for him and go to a youth prison for the traditional Mass and foot-washing.  He actually thinks that prisoners are people! And doesn’t he realize that kids are of no value until they’re adults?  I don’t know about Pope Francis’ misguided actions.  After all, he’s the shepherd of his people, who may very well take his example to heart and think that all human life is to be respected.  Then where will we be?!