Tag Archive for wind

A By-and-Large Day

I’m feeling word-ish today. Which means that you get some (what I think is interesting) background on a phrase we hear often, “by and large.”

Would you believe that the common expression “by and large” was originally a nautical term? “Large” meant that the wind was to a ship’s back as it sailed (a good thing), and “full and by” meant that the ship was headed into the wind (not good). “By and large” indicated that the ship was sailing through changing, unpredictable winds that hit them from varying directions. Somehow that came to mean what it does today in common usage–“for the most part” or “all things considered.”

So, dear readers, I wish you a day that is, by and large, not by and large.


Hurrah for Denmark!

This one’s for people who know that wind is not a practical source of power.

Just look at Denmark.  They overdid it with their wind farms, and now they have more power than they need.  Last week their wind farms produced 116% of the power their country needed.  At one point, when there was a drop in energy demand, that figure went up to 140%.

Being neighborly, they shared their excess power with Germany, Norway, and Sweden.

Not a bad showing.  And they don’t have nearly as many blow-hard politicians as we have.