Tag Archive for wheelchair

My Dreams are Sweet


I had a dream—like Martin’s—
But in my dream
            Cats were leashed and dogs roamed free,
            The President was chosen by God,
            All days were sunny, with rain only at night,
            And the whole world loved chocolate.
In that dream
            My friend was interesting, not rich or Black,
            People talked to Gramps, not to me about him,
            Wheelchair basketball was on Monday night TV,
            And dinner was fair-trade chocolate.
Then I saw
            Doctors fighting to save all lives,
            Wardens taking none,
            Soldiers idly playing checkers,
            Now that bullets were just Hershey Kisses.
All that empty space:
            Soup kitchens, with no clients to serve,
            Sweatshops replaced by homes,
            Jails, since the Rule became Golden,
            Plus cups half-filled with cocoa.
I had a dream.  Like Martin,
When I wake
I refuse
To leave it behind.

                                        Jackie O’Donnell

I Have a Dream, Too



                          SWEET DREAMS


I had a dream—like Martin’s—
But in my dream
            Cats were leashed and dogs roamed free,
            The President was chosen by God,
            All days were sunny, with rain only at night,
            And the whole world loved chocolate.


In that dream
            My friend was interesting, not rich or Black,
            People talked to Gramps, not to me about him,
            Wheelchair basketball was on Monday night TV,
            And dinner was fair-trade chocolate.


Then I saw
            Doctors fighting to save all lives,
            Wardens taking none,
            Soldiers idly playing checkers,
            Now that bullets were just Hershey Kisses.


All that empty space:
            Soup kitchens, with no clients to serve,
            Sweatshops replaced by homes,
            Jails, since the Rule became Golden,
            Plus cups half-filled with cocoa.


I had a dream.  Like Martin,
When I wake
I refuse
To leave it behind.

                                        Jackie O’Donnell