Tag Archive for Palestine

Child Caught in World of Hatred


This short video is so heartbreaking. If the child threw rocks, set off a bomb, or yelled obscenities at the Israeli soldiers, what adults–the real ones at blame–taught him to do that? If the child was simply guilty of being Palestinian while walking down the street, what adults–again the real ones to blame–taught this soldier such hate and cruelty? Hatred begets hatred; cruelty begets cruelty. Why would parents perpetuate such inhumanity? Over land? Politics? A God who must, by now, have shed oceans of tears over the situation? So heartbreaking.

See video at  www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=599613566824335. There are about 10 seconds of a newsperson (not in English), then the video.

Trees & “5 Broken Cameras”

The film 5 Broken Cameras woke me up.  I’ve had trouble understanding what’s going on in the Left Bank/Gaza region…until seeing this film.  Now I have other questions, mainly how Americans can pick and choose whose human rights violations we’re appalled at and whose we support.

I also learned to research before I buy.  Recently, when a devout Jewish friend passed away, another member of our little group of friends suggested we honor her memory in a traditional way, by planting a tree in Israel. That seemed appropriate, so I chipped in.  Now, however, I understand that our tree will likely be planted on a Palestinian village’s land in preparation for future takeover and building for Israeli settlers. Had I understood the situation, I would have found another way to express my love for my deceased friend.

See the film.