Tag Archive for gift

Personal Note: My Christmas

Today I thought I’d share my Christmas glow with you.  My husband and I spent five days in a little place called Nuevo, CA.  There’s nothing there to speak of–maybe half a dozen family-owned businesses and an occasional tumble weed-blocked road.  The lack of McDonalds, Walmart, and traffic was refreshing, and the view of the rugged-rock mountains from the desert floor was spectacular.

Our hosts, Trino and Maria–our son’s future in-laws–recently moved onto five acres of quiet beauty.  Slowly they’re turning the land into a ranch, planning to build a barn for their three horses and add chickens and ducks and they’re-not-sure-what-else.  Their home is a barn-shaped house filled with warmth and love.

Christmas Eve and Day the house and yard were overflowing with family of all ages.  Food was plentiful and constant, all homemade, from traditional tamales to the Navajo daughter-in-law’s Navajo fry bread. (I’ve decided that Mexican moms and Jewish moms have one big thing in common: their unending cry of “Eat, eat, eat!”)

Gifts were thoughtful.  For example, one of their sons who is a Marine (four active-duty tours in recent years) exchanged stories with my ex-submarine-sailor (two tours, including Nam) husband, then gifted him with the ribbons my husband had earned but lost over the years, plus a Navy watch.  The talented fry-bread cook gave me–someone she’d never met–a stunning necklace, crafted in the Navajo style, which took her two days to make.

Needless to say, the two sets of people bonded into one family. Our son had already been totally accepted long before; now we’re part of a larger family, too.  This was a most excellent Christmas gift for me.  I hope yours was just as joyful.



Walmart’s Great Deal

As you shop for Christmas and Hanukkah gifts, you’ll likely think of the great deals Walmart has.  Personally, I do as well on prices and better on quality elsewhere if I shop carefully and take advantage of coupons and sales.  That’s good, because my conscience won’t let me shop at Walmart.

It’s a matter of respect and concern for their workers.  Their mistreatment is a matter of record.  I’ve read the news stories and investigative reports from reputable news agencies: hiring the undocumented and locking them up in stores (http://www.nbcnews.com/id/4146540/ns/business-us_business/t/suit-wal-mart-locked-janitors-stores/#.VHoEIzHF-So); hiring people with the promise of benefits, then as the corporate profits skyrocket, cutting those benefits (http://dailydigestnews.com/2014/10/profit-behemoth-wal-mart-cuts-benefits-raisies-healthcare-costs-for-part-time-workers/), knowing that most of their employees depend on their jobs to keep just this side of the poverty level; hiring the undocumented and making them work in harsh conditions, without overtime or even a day off (http://www.nytimes.com/2003/11/05/us/illegally-in-us-and-never-a-day-off-at-wal-mart.html); and practicing intimidation, discrimination, careless pollution, tax avoidance, and bribery (http://www.corp-research.org/wal-mart).

I agree that Walmart has great deals, but for the corporation, not for the workers.  So I take my wallet elsewhere.



Best & Worst Christmas Gifts

What gift do you especially appreciate this year?  For me, it was another Christmas with my husband.  Two years ago, a week before Christmas, he was misdiagnosed with a condition that would kill him in 4-6 months.  You bet that was a pretty crappy Christmas!  A couple of months later a team of doctors reversed that opinion, saying, yes, his antibiotic-resistant lung infection will be with him the rest of his life and he’ll have periods of heavy-duty I.V. antibiotics to go through to push those buggers into temporary submission, but that isn’t a death sentence.  Needless to say, last Christmas was MUCH happier than the previous one.  This year my most precious gift was another holiday with my husband, who isn’t in tip-tip shape (can’t expect the moon at age 74) but is doing well enough to keep me in line (no small feat).

My worst gift ever?  Well, my aunt meant well, and it was very nice.  And she loved me a whole bunch.  Somewhere around here I still have it.  Someday maybe I’ll find a spot in my house for a bright purple satin pillow.

Come on.  Now it’s your turn to share.  Tell the rest of us about memorable–for whatever reason–gifts you received.

Thoughtful Thursday: The Gift of What We Have

A thought in this giftng season: