Tag Archive for democracy

Do NOT Miss this Important Date

An important date is coming up soon. For many of us during this pandemic, the only safe way to vote is by mail. And voting is not just a right or privilege; it’s a necessity if our democracy is to work.

It’s not too early to request a vote-by-mail ballot. Here’s a chart of deadlines for the states so you can submit your request for an absentee/mail-in ballot in plenty of time. Put it on your calendar. Better yet, send in your request today.

Today’s Results are GOOD

No matter who is elected today or whatever measures and propositions are passed or defeated, this is a good day. That’s because an historically high number of people will have actually voted. Early voting and mail-in ballots prove that.

That’s democracy at its finest. And that is good. Very good.

Democracy in Tunisia & the U.S.

Recently Tunisia passed a truly historic constitution widely heralded as a progressive and monumental document. 

Here’s just some of what these brave elected representatives agreed upon in the face of strong pressure from the more extreme factions of their parties:

  • Guaranteed equality between men and women
  • A constitutional mandate for environmental protection, only the third country in the world to do so
  • A declaration that health care is a human right, with preventative care and treatment for every citizen
  • democracy with civil laws that respects freedom of religion
  • An established right to due process and protection from torture

 [Unfortunately, the U.S. falls short on some of these goals.  Let’s hope we and Tunisia can truly achieve all of them soon.]

In one stroke, Tunisia’s become more democratic than many Western countries have been for years. 

This is a revolution of democracy and a great victory for human rights — and the more we recognize that, the more Tunisia can shine as an example for the Western and the Arab world!

From http://act.watchdog.net/petitions/4238?n=61068103.4ibRdx